How can you help prevent ballots from being rejected?

We are working to find out more about what constituted rejections in the “Other” category and will update this as soon as we find out. But you can still help educate voters now:

  1. Share this page using the Social Share icon at the bottom of the page
  2. Show voters this picture and tell them to not tear off the Certificate of Mail-in Voter and remember to sign their name.
  3. Tell voters to VOTE and VOTE EARLY!
  4. Tell voters that IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU COMPLETE AND RETURN THIS CURE FORM.  There is a discrepancy with your signature on the mail-in ballot and the one on file.  Once completed and received, your updated signature will be added to your voter registration record to be used for signature verification in future elections.  Please fill out completely and return promptly.
NOTE: This Certificate is from the July Primary. The image will be updated as soon as the General Election Mail-in Ballots are mailed out. It will resemble this closely WITHOUT the identification of political party since the General election is open to all qualified registered voters regardless of party. NO words or marks indicating political party will be printed on the envelope.

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