Security Features

Security measures of the Mail-in Ballot has resulted in tens of thousands of mail-in ballots in being REJECTED. We work hard to educate voters on these security features to ensure that their ballots count.

Unique Bar Code and Voter ID

Both the bar code and voter ID appear on the original Official Mail-in Ballot envelope and the prepaid postage return envelope and tracked in the Statewide Voter Registration System. Each voter has a unique bar code and voter ID. The voter has that unique voter ID, even when they stop voting, pass away, or move out of state. That voter ID is not used again for other voters. This feature prevents voters from voting more than once. For example, if a voter voted by mail and then votes again at the polling station on Election Day using the Provisional Ballot, the Elections Officials will have a record in the system of the voter having voted. The Provisional Ballot will not be canvassed or tabulated.

Certificate of Mail-in Voter

This security allows voters to self-certify (or declare) that they voted their ballot in secret by filling out their information – name and address – and signature. This signature is then compared to the voter’s digitized signature on file to ensure a signature match. Here’s the procedure for signature matching verification:

  • The Board of Election staff – one Republican and one Democrat – does an initial sort, matching the signature on the Certificate of Mail-in Voter against the signature on file.
  • Where the Republican and Democrat disagree whether the signature is valid, it is then sent to the Board of Election for a vote.
  • Under the latest settlement, the voter has the right to provide a cure via a Cure Form. Read about the Stipulations here.

Bearer Portion

All voters are permitted to have someone they designate to take their ballot from them and deliver it to the Board of Elections or to drop it off at a Ballot Drop box or at a USPS facility.

  • ANY TIME the voter gives their ballot to someone else, this person is called the Bearer, and the Bearer MUST fill out the Bearer portion IN THE PRESENCE OF THE VOTER for the ballot to count.
  • This Bearer portion must be completed and signed before dropping off or delivering if you use a Bearer.
  • If a Bearer comes to the county Board of Elections with a Mail-in Ballot that has not been filled out completely and signed, the ballot will be rejected.
  • DO NOT fill this out if you are dropping off your own ballot or delivering it yourself.

The state keeps track of all Bearers. Bearers are only permitted to carry 3 ballots per election. The fourth and additional ballots will be rejected. No candidates in the election can serve as Bearers.

Security at the Ballot Drops

You can mail your ballot in your mail box. “Your MAIL BOX is your BALLOT BOX.” Did you know that your mail box is considered federal property?

According to federal law (Title 18, United States Code, Section 1705), it is “a crime to vandalize mailboxes (or to injure, deface or destroy any mail deposited in them). Violators can be fined up to $250,000, or imprisoned for up to three years, for each act of vandalism.” This law puts your mailbox under Federal jurisdiction in order to protect you (the resident) from any harm or vandalism that may occur from a mailbox’s misuse.* (Source here)

Secure Ballot Drop Boxes

You can also drop your mail-in ballot at one of 5 secure, tamper-proof, weather-proof ballot drop boxes in your county. FIND YOUR NEAREST ballot drop box here. These ballot drop boxes all have 24-hour cameras and all pick-ups are completed by the Board of Elections staff and are logged in.

Board of Elections

You or your Bearer can also deliver your mail-in ballot at your local Board of Elections. Whomever delivers the ballot will be required to sign in the registry. FIND YOUR County Board of Elections here.

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